Agricultural Irrigation – Water Quality Matters!

Agricultural irrigation systems are a critical element for moving water from reservoirs, lakes, and other sources to the crops that need it for growth.

Though it might be easy to assume that as long as that water is wet there is little else to worry about, that assumption is incorrect.

Water quality matters and for farmers to have their highest yields each season, it should be analyzed if necessary.

Water Analysis Is Important

Depending on the geographic location and the source of irrigation water, there could be elements present that can negatively affect plants, the irrigation system, or both.

In the effort of keeping this expensive equipment working properly and providing the right nutrients to the plants, irrigation system services find that periodic analysis of water supplies can reduce problems due to water makeup, or debris, or contamination in the water source.

Avoid Uneven Watering

A very common problem that affects crops even after irrigation system installation is uneven watering, which is usually caused either by poor system programming or some kind of blockage within the system.

Water containing high amounts of debris like sand, dirt, and vegetation is frequently the culprit, as debris particles can very quickly build up and create obstructions in various places.

Efficient filtering, and filters that are cleaned often, are the main solution when using surface water with a high debris content.

Acidity vs Alkalinity

Another of the more common issues that could need correcting before water is delivered to plants through the irrigation system is acidity versus alkalinity, two extremes that can affect plant growth.

Alkaline or acid waters can be matched with specific crops that prefer certain pH levels but when that is not an option, some kind of correction should be made through purification before the water makes it to the fields.

Consider Mineral Content and Contamination

Additional concerns to look out for include mineral content and contamination.

High mineral content in irrigation water can prevent plants from thriving, either due to over-absorption that causes mineral imbalances or by causing buildup that obstructs the water supply.

Growers should also be testing for water contamination, as parasites, bacteria, and other microbes can easily be transported right to the plants through irrigation, creating a problem after the fact.

Know Your Source Water Quality

Regardless of the crop, the location, or the type of irrigation installation used, irrigation services strongly suggest that farmers stay informed of their source water quality and make corrections as needed. Investing in the right filtration and treatment system will take care of all of these problems.

Why Is Well-Managed Irrigation in Texas So Important?

The need for irrigation systems in regions with hotter climates and drier soils is obvious as delivering water to more arid zones turns areas that would be otherwise unusable into the fertile growing zones necessary to keep food production up.

Yet as seasonal rainfall becomes increasingly unpredictable, monitoring and managing farm irrigation systems become just as critical.

Sending water from Point A to Point B is possible, but only if there is water at Point A.

Texas Water Development Board – Monitoring Water Usage

The Texas Water Development Board is one of many organizations responsible for monitoring water stores and water conservation year by year.

This information should be considered essential knowledge by farmers using ag irrigation systems to keep their fields producing.

The water data collected provides an accurate picture of natural and conservation water store levels, irrigation draw, and other data that illustrates the overall condition of the state’s stored water supply and how it is being used.

It details current and historical maps on natural water storage and how water stores are being used from month to month, year to year, to help growers predict need and plan accordingly.

The Need For Texas Farmers to Conserve Water

This data should also serve as a reminder that while Texas farmers do have access to ample water stores most of the time, making the effort to conserve these natural supplies is essential.

Reserve water stores rise and fall depending on the season, with late summer and fall usually showing them at their lowest all year, and by the year depending on rainfall, average temperatures, and other conditions.

Keeping an eye on the charts is important.

Conserve Water With Efficient Irrigation Systems

How can farmers do their part to help maintain state water stores so there is always enough to keep the crops growing?

Two of the most effective things are to choose the best ag irrigation system for their specific needs and then to closely monitor them.

Farmers must learn the ins and outs of how to program their irrigation systems so they can be used most effectively, and when possible, upgrade to more advanced technology.

Also, all farm irrigation systems should be carefully maintained to ensure appropriate amounts of water are being delivered to the right places for higher yields.

Have Water When You Need It With Water Conservation

Conserving natural water stores means more than just using less water; it means using water at the right times, in the right amounts, delivered in the right ways so there is less plant waste, less water going into the ground needlessly, and higher production.

To maintain reserves of slowly dwindling water supplies in Texas, all farmers should find ways to efficiently manage their irrigation to reduce the loss of water, plants, and money.

Importance of Irrigation for Agriculture

Agriculture practices are often intensive, which has a tendency to deplete nutrients from the soil, displace local fauna and flora, lower the water table and contribute to soil erosion.

The solutions to these problems include ensuring that there is a crop growing all year round to prevent loss of top soil, applying fertiliser to the land and growing strains of crops that are more resistant to drought than non modified crops as well as using more efficient watering techniques.

There are various types of irrigation products available on the market depending on the type of watering techniques a farmer or gardener wants to employ.

Irrigation's main purpose is to distribute water in an efficient way to avoid waste, hence the popularity of irrigation products in areas with low rainfall.

Sprinklers, drippers and hoses combine to cover every aspect of watering via irrigation whether above or below ground.

The popularity of irrigation products with gardeners has been inspired by farming methods and encouraged by water companies.

Summertime often brings with it hose pipe bans issued by water companies, but there are so many people who now choose to grow their own vegetables that alternative methods to watering cans and soaker hoses had to be found.

Watering the plants or irrigating the landscape is one of the most important facets of your strategy for taking care of your garden or landscape.

No matter you have larger yards or a small garden in front of your house, watering is necessary for maintain a beautiful garden or landscape.

Water is one of the natural resource that claims to be scarce in the not so distant future.

Regardless of the region where water is scarce today or not, desertification, shifting weather pattern and other factors can quickly transform the regions and water resources in dry and water scarce region.

Every plant need water depending on its nature and requirement. Some plants may need watering twice a week in a summer whereas some need twice a day.

Many people watering their landscape or plants by hand because installing an irrigation system may seem like a costly endeavor for them including the labor involved, but this is not the right way to do.

Types of Irrigation Systems

Irrigation is basically a process of applying water to the agricultural crops in the field to compensate for inadequate rain water.

It is mainly carried out in farms for various reasons that range from lack of adequate water in the soil to a seasonal need to increase applied water for better harvests.

There are several irrigation systems with some dating back to the ancient time before agricultural revolution, learn here about some of the irrigation systems that is commonly used today.

Surface Irrigation

This type of irrigation system has commonly been applied for a long time historically and is still being used up to date.

The agricultural field is flooded with water that is controlled by dykes at the source or just pumped by a generator.

The land surface is usually divided into furrows for the water to fill the field and is commonly used in rice fields where the rice requires swampy like conditions for a good yield.

Drip Irrigation

Like the name suggests, a drip irrigation system irrigates the roots of the crop by allowing water to drip through a small nozzle created at the distribution pipes.

The system can easily be regulated to improve its efficiency through the usage of computers and is simply done by controlling the pressure of water in the pipe so that the delivery rate is accurate for water absorption by the roots.

Center Pivot Irrigation

This is a type of sprinkler irrigation system that has many segments of galvanized pipe supported by a truss.

This irrigation system structure is supported by the pivot hub and on the other side it has been fixed with wheels that will enable the system to move in a circular motion.

Sprinklers are located along the systems length and fed water from the pivot hub by the pipes and can be used on any land terrain over the world.

This irrigation system also requires that the plants be planted in a circular arrangement so that irrigation can take place easily.

The pivots nowadays have been replaced with electric motors or hydraulic system that helps in powering them.

In-ground Irrigation

For this type of irrigation, every part of the system is hidden in the ground.

The sprinkler, emitters, valves, and pipes are buried in the soil; the irrigation system presents a clear field but can become a challenge during maintenance of the system.

This irrigation system is divided into zones to enable water to be pumped with enough pressure into the soil.

The irrigation is controlled based on the weather pattern of the place and moisture sensors in the soil so that irrigation takes place at a given time interval.

Weather satellites can also be used by in-ground irrigation systems thus enhancing water efficiency.

In Summary

Irrigation systems come in many different types; the important thing to remember is that there is an irrigation system available to fit the contours of your land and the climate where it is planted!